
How far and how long

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  • How far is it from the bird garden to the public toilet? (shortest time)
    It is 3km.
  • How long does it take to go from the bird garden to the butterfly garden? (shortest time)
    90 minutes
  • How far is it from the butterfly garden to the campsite?
    It is not far. It is 1km.
  • How far is it from the snack bar to the barbeque site? (shortest time)
    It's not far. It is 1km.
  • How long does it take to go from the snack bar to the barbeque site? (shortest time)
    It takes 45 minutes.
  • How far is it from the entrance to the snack bar?
    It is a long way. It is 3km.
  • How long does it take to go from the entrance to the information centre.
    It takes 15 minutes.
  • Bonus: What is the shortest time. How far is from the entrance to the picnic site and onwards to the barbeque site.
    It is far. It is 4.5 km.
  • How long does it take to go from the information centre to the campsite? (shortest time)
    1 hour and 45 minutes
  • How long does it take from the public toilet to the information centre (shortest time)
    It takes 45 minutes.
  • How far is it from the picnic site to the campsite? (shortest distance)
    It is 3km.