
Connecting contrasting ideas & compound terms fo ...

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  • ______ cities offer diverse opportunities and cultural richness, they often present challenges such as congestion and high living costs.
    On the other hand
    in spite of
  • Cities may be characterized by hectic lifestyles and congestion; ________, they remain attractive to many for their job opportunities and diverse cultural experiences.
  • ______ ______ are places that attract visitors with their unique attractions, amenities, and cultural experiences, creating a vibrant atmosphere geared towards the tourism industry.
    border towns
    coastal towns
    tourist towns
    college towns
  • _______ the fast-paced urban lifestyle, cities offer a plethora of cultural and entertainment options for those seeking a vibrant and dynamic environment.
    even though
  • _____ ______ are small communities located in the countryside, characterized by a slower pace of life and a close-knit sense of community.
    suburban towns
    rural towns
    border towns
    tourist towns
  • _______ cities can be crowded and stressful, many people are drawn to them because of the numerous job opportunities and cultural amenities they provide.
    even though
  • ______ ______ are vacation destinations that cater to tourists, offering a range of leisure activities, accommodations, and entertainment.
    suburban towns
    rural towns
    resort towns
    tourist towns
  • ________ cities are bustling hubs of activity and innovation, they can also be places where individuals may feel a sense of anonymity and isolation.
    even though
  • Cities are known for their vibrant cultural scenes and economic opportunities. _______, they may also be associated with high levels of noise and stress.
    on the other hand
  • ______ ______ are communities where the presence of a university significantly influences the local culture, economy, and social life.
    mountain towns
    industrial towns
    college towns
    port towns
  • Cities boast dynamic economies. _______, they can also be plagued by issues such as traffic congestion and pollution.
    in spite of
  • _______ the challenges like traffic and noise pollution, cities continue to allure people with their diverse job opportunities and cultural attractions.
    in spite of
    on the other hand
  • ______ _______ are charming communities nestled amidst scenic peaks, offering residents and visitors a tranquil escape surrounded by nature's beauty.
    rural towns
    port towns
    resort towns
    mountain towns
  • _____ ______ are seaside communities that enjoy the beauty and benefits of being located along the ocean.
    college towns
    industrial towns
    mountain towns
    coastal towns
  • ______ ______ are communities located near the boundaries of neighboring countries.
    coastal towns
    border towns
    college towns
    industrial towns
  • ____ _____ are coastal settlements with thriving harbors, serving as vital hubs for maritime trade and transportation.
    rural towns
    resort towns
    suburban towns
    port towns
  • _____ ______ are residential areas situated on the outskirts of larger cities, providing a balance between urban amenities and a quieter, family-friendly environment.
    coastal towns
    tourist towns
    border towns
    suburban towns
  • ______ ______ are areas where manufacturing and production activities play a central role in shaping the local economy and employment landscape.
    port towns
    industrial towns
    resort towns
    mountain towns