
GT:What's his job?

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  • How long have you been working in this job?
    I have been working in this job since 2020
  • where does he work?
    He works in a restaurant
  • How long have you been working in this job?
    I have been working in this job for 10 years
  • where does she work?
    She works in a primary school
  • what's his job?
    He's an architect
  • what's her job?
    She's a baker
  • where does she work?
    she works in a farm
  • what's her job?
    she's a hairdresser
  • How long have you been working in this company?
    I have been working here for 5 years
  • How long have you been working in this job?
    I have been working in this job for 10 years
  • where's your daughter study in?
    My daughter studies in high school
  • what's his job?
    He's a fire fighter/ fireman
  • where do you work?
    I work in a secondary school