
How's the Weather? Week 1 Review

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  • Tell one thing after the rain stopped...
    After the rain stopped...
  • Who is the best ELD teacher?
    Ms. Bayer!
  • What happened when it started raining?
    When it started raining___________________.
  • What did the police offer do when it quit raining?
    The police officer drove off when it quit raining.
  • What might you do when you get home from school?
    I might eat a snack when it get home from school.
  • How do you spell this picture?
  • What might you do if it rains?
    I might...
  • What will you probably do if it rains?
    I will probably...
  • Who woke up the baby?
    The dog barked and woke up the baby. The man yelled at the dog and woke up the baby.
  • What might you not do if it rains?
    I might not take my dog for a walk if it rains.
  • What did the dog do when it started to rain?
    The dog raced inside when it started to rain.
  • What did the family do after it quit raining?
    The family had a picnic after it quit raining.
  • What will you probably not do when you get home from school?
    I will probably not...
  • What did the painter do after it stopped raining?
    After it stopped raining the painter got a shave.
  • What happened to the traffic when it started raining?
    The traffic came to a stop when it started raining.
  • What will you probably do if it rains?
    I will probably...
  • What was the man late to deliver?
    He was late to deliver tomatoes.
  • Who got in the taxi after the sun came out?
    The woman with the boxes got in the taxi after the sun came out.
  • What does complain mean?
    To talk about something you are unhappy about
  • Why did the baker come outside?
    His cakes were getting wet.
  • What will you probably take if it rains?
    I will probably take a raincoat/umbrella if it rains.
  • Tell one thing that happened after the sun came out.
    After the sun came out...
  • How do you spell this picture?
  • What will you probably do if it rains?
    I will probably...
  • Why was the lady squirming in the taxi?
    She was squirming in the taxi because she was going to miss her plane.
  • How do you spell this picture?