
Present Simple short revision

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  • Choose the correct option from the list and put it in the correct form in the sentence: Му brother ..... TV after dinner every day. (Go, not go, not play,play, study, watch)
  • Make a sentence in Present Simple: your dad / play / the guitar / ?
    Does your dad play the guitar?
  • Choose the correct option from the list and put it in the correct form in the sentence: Му teacher...... sailing when the weather is bad. (Go, not go, not play,play, study, watch)
    doesn't go
  • Choose the correct option from the list and put it in the correct form in the sentence: Му best friend always....... hard before an exam. (Go, not go, not play,play, study, watch)
  • Choose the correct option from the list and put it in the correct form in the sentence: l.... basketbal in а team. (Go, not go, not play,play, study, watch)
  • Choose the correct option from the list and put it in the correct form in the sentence: .... уоur mum .....running before work?. (Go, not go, not play,play, study, watch)
    Does your mum go running before work?
  • Make a sentence in Present Simple: you / watch / TV / in the evening / ?
    Do you watch TV in the evening?
  • Do you .... snowboarding alone?
  • Choose the correct option from the list and put it in the correct form in the sentence: Му friends and l .... rugby at the weekend. We prefer football. (Go, not go, not play,play, study, watch)
    don't play