
Spotlight Unit 13 and 14

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  • People like to ………………. for halloween.
    dress up
  • Would you ………….. my buttons in back? I can´t reach them.
    do up
  • The siblings ……………. over their inheritance. They won't agree on how to share the real estates from the family in this meeting.
    are falling out
  • I can´t buy clothes without …………. them ………….. Some don't fit me and ruin my style.
    trying on
  • I don't like the winter. We have to …………….. so many pieces of clothing!
    put on
  • President Trump ...... all U.S. forces ..... of Afghanistan.
    pulled out
  • The director couldn't believe when she heard the news about her secret filming location ……..
    had leaked out
  • I can't believe! The income tax ………………. so much this year!
    went up
  • My favorite jeans is too small for me now. I asked a seamstress to …………. them ……….., so that I can still wear it.
    take in
  • The governments……………… talks with some countries in the Middle East.
    had broken off