
Addition of money

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  • 6. Lisa has £4.00 and wants to buy a toy car costing £2.25. How much will she have after buying it? £1.75
  • 5. If a book costs £3.50 and you pay with a £5 note
    what is your change? £1.50
  • 1. If you have £2 and you find £1 more
    how much do you have? £3
  • 8. If you add £2.25 and £3.75 together
    what is the total? £6.00
  • 9. Mia has £10. She spends £2.50 on a game and £1.75 on a snack. How much money does she have now? £5.75
  • 2. Sarah has £1.50 and buys a toy for £0.75. How much does she have left? £0.75
  • 3. John has two £2 coins and three £1 coins. How much money does he have in total? £7
  • 10. A toy costs £4.50 and a book costs £3.50. How much do they cost together? £8.00
  • 7. Tom has three £1 coins and buys a snack for £1.50. How much money is left with him? £1.50
  • 4. You buy a pencil for £0.55 and give the shopkeeper £1. How much change will you get? £0.45