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  • Ok. So you're in Denmark it's midnight on the 31st of Decmber. What are you going to do?
    Let's smash some crockery!
  • People collect round things in The Phillipines to represent this.
    Wealth and prosperity
  • Something people do in Brazil for good luck, wealth and peace.
    People wear different coloured pants.
  • Give me some loving. I've got my red pants on!
    New Year's Eve in Brazil.
  • This means to send someone away from a place as a punishment or to get rid of something you don't want
    To banish someone/something.
  • New year's resolution
    Something you intend to do to improve yourself
  • If you ring the bell 108 times you can do this!
    banish all human sins
  • Someone who is with another person for their money!
    A gold digger
  • This expression means to give someone a beating.
    Beat the living daylights out of someone
  • Hit me!.... but take off your gloves first and i'll do the same to you!
    Bare knuckle brawling
  • This is a person who gets a kick from settin gthings on fire.
    You're a god damn Pyromaniac!
  • This is the thing people do on New Year's Eve in Ecuador
    Burning scarecrows.