
comparatives and superlatives

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  • Buenos Aires is the ____________city in Argentina (big)
    Buenos Aires is the BIGGEST city in Argentina
  • David is ____________ Grace (short)
    David is SHORTER THAN Grace
  • Science is ____________ than Maths (interesting)
    Science is MORE INATERESTING than Maths
  • Ice cream is the _____________ dessert (good)
    Ice cream is the BEST dessert
  • Slugs are the ___________ animals in the world (unusual)
    Slugs are the MOST UNUSUAL animals in the world
  • Diamonds are ________ than shoes. (expensive)
    Diamonds are MORE EXPENSIVE shoes.
  • The fireworks were the ____ thing at the party. (amazing)
    The fireworkds were the MOST AMAZING thing at the party.
  • Pizza is ______ yogurt (good)
    Pizza is BETTER THAN yogurt
  • Luke is ________________ (young)
    Luke is THE YOUNGEST
  • My grandad is ______________ (old)
    My grandad is THE OLDEST
  • My hair is ______________ your hair (pretty)
    My hair is PRETTIER THAN your hair
  • He is the __________________ in the class. (happy)
    He is the HAPPIEST in the class.
  • Lisa is ____________ Mona (old)
    Lisa is OLDER THAN Mona
  • John is _____________ (tall) his sister
    John is TALLER THAN his sister
  • Roller coasters are _____ than books. (exciting)
    Roller Coasters are MORE EXCITING than books.
  • Diamonds are the _______ gems. (expensive)
    Diamonds are the MOST EXPENSIVE gems
  • The salsa is ______ the salad (spicy)
    The salsa is SPICIER THAN the salad
  • He is the _____________ in the class. (tall)
    He is the TALLEST in the class
  • Lion King is the _____ movie ever! (sad)
    Lion King is the SADDEST movie ever!
  • Mount Everest is _______________ Mount Kilimanjaro.  (large)
    Mount Everest is LARGER THAN Kilimanjaro