
Defining Relative Clauses

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  • The child is playing in the garden. We often see the child.
    The child (who/that) we often see is playing in the garden.
  • The man was late to the party. Julie invited the man.
    The man (who/that) Julie invited was late to the party .
  • I met a woman. The woman was an astronaut.
    I met a woman who/that was an astronaut.
  • The woman works in a bank. She is from India.
    The woman who/that is from India works in a bank.
  • She worked for a man. The man used to be an athlete.
    She worked for a man who/that used to be an athlete.
  • I like the girl. Her hair is dark.
    I like the girl whose hair is dark.
  • The mobile phone can’t be fixed. The mobile phone is broken.
    The mobile phone which is broken can’t be fixed.
  • I met a girl. Her father is a vet. .
    I met a girl whose father is a vet.
  • We broke the computer. The computer belonged to my father.
    We broke the computer which/that belonged to my father.
  • The doctor was sick. I wanted to see the doctor.
    The doctor (who/that) I wanted to see was sick.
  • I dropped a glass. The glass was new.
    I dropped a glass which/that was new.
  • Did you find the money? You lost the money.
    Did you find the money (which/that) you lost?
  • This is the city. I used to live in the city.
    This is the city where I used to live.
  • The customer liked the waitress. The waitress was very friendly.
    The customer liked the waitress who/that was very friendly.
  • This is the girl. I saw the girl last night.
    This is the girl (that/who) I saw last night.
  • They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby.
    They called a lawyer who/that lived nearby.
  • John made a copy of the photo. I took the photo.
    John made a copy of the photo (which/that) I took.
  • One of my sisters has three children. She lives in Australia.
    My sister who/that lives in Australia has three children.
  • This is the shop. I bought a T-shirt at the shop.
    This is the shop where I bought a T-shirt.
  • I sent an email to my brother. My brother lives in Australia
    I sent an email to my brother who/that lives in Australia
  • I lost the money. I borrowed the money from my mom.
    I lost the money (that/which) I borrowed from my mom.
  • The money is in the kitchen. The money belongs to John.
    The money which/that belongs to John is in the kitchen.
  • The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper.
    The man who/that is wearing a blue jumper is in the garden.
  • The woman is rich. The woman's notes and coins are on the table.
    The woman whose notes and coins are on the table is rich.
  • She loves the novels. They have happy endings.
    She loves novels which/that have happy endings. ------>(Bonus: "She loves the books whose endings are happy.")
  • They live in a city. The city is in the north of England.
    They live in a city which/that is in the north of England.
  • The waiter was rude. The waiter was wearing a blue shirt.
    The waiter who/that was wearing a blue shirt was rude.
  • I haven't read any of the books. I got the books for Christmas.
    I haven't read any of the books (that/which) I got for Christmas.