
Flyers - Own it 2 - Unit 5 Household chores p62

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  • When you don´t want to wash the plates you can ........ the ........ which is a machine we use to put these things in.
    load the dishwasher
  • When you make a big mess on the floor with toys and books, you need to ...... to make room for people to walk.
    tidy up.
  • When there is a lot of particles on the floor, for example dust, or tiny pieces of paper which take a long time to pick up. We ..... the carpet or the floor.
  • My clothes need to be presentable and straight. I need to do the ...... but be careful, it can be hot.
  • Now that the clothes are washed, we need to ..... the .... to put them out to dry.
    empty the washing machine
  • My clothes are dirty. I need to .... the ....
    do the washing
  • When you finish eating from the plates and drinking, you need to do the.....
    do the washing up
  • Please use good products that smell nice and detergents for the floor to ..... the kitchen.
  • Sometimes you parents tell you to ...... the ..... after you wake up from it and leave your bedroom..
    make the bed