
dorian grey 1-6

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  • I hope my mum won’t …………..that her favorite vase is broken.
    find out
    pick up
    throw away
  • Джеффрі Дамер був сумнозвіснo жорсткокий серійний вбивця.
    Jeffrey Dahmer was a notoriously cruel serial killer.
  • Він запізнився на урок, тому що слухав подкаст.
    Hw was late for a lesson, because he had been listening a podcast.
  • what is the opposite?(add the prefix/suffix) - attractive, careful, considerate, tactful,
    unattractive, careless, inconsiderate, tactless
  • square triangle
  • Френк молив сестру сказати батькам, що це була не його вина, що розбилася ваза.
    Frank begged his sister to tell his parents that it wasn't his fault that the vase broke.
  • її батьки не тиснули на неї, вони її заохочували стілювати свої мрії.
    Her parents did not pressure her, they encouraged her to fullfil her dreams.
  • unable to think clearly or to understand something
  • What are they doing?
  • circus
  • ………….your books …………..and put them on the shelf.
    stay out
    find out
    pick out
  • a short period between the parts of a play, performance, etc
  • having no knowledge of the unpleasant and evil things in life
    innocent -pure
  • too interested in your own appearance and thinking you are very attractive
  • full of energy and enthusiasm; interesting and exciting
  • Who is this ?
  • people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities or if other people really like them
  • Reserved people do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts:
  • вона впустила тацю.
    she dropped the tray
  • слухи поширювалися скоріше ніж новини
    rumors spread faster than news
  • A_______ person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else:
  • What is he doing?
  • Їй не потрібно було прикидатися товариською, вона ніколи не була сором'язливою.
    She didn't have to pretend to be sociable, she was never shy.
  • what's the difference between "shy/ modest"
  • I am afraid Mr. Smith ………… the moment.
    is over
    stays out
    is out
  • том підняв завіси сам щоб нікого не турбувати
    Tom raised the curtains himself to avoid bothering anyone
  • having no problems or not being worried about anything
  • Where are they?
  • хоча він здавався грубуватий на вигляд та та іноді був нестриманий, він був дуже чутливий.
    Although he seemed rough-looking and sometimes short-tempered, he was very sensitive.
  • Everybody hopes that the war will …………soon.
    be out
    be away
    be over
  • You communicate with your eyes and body language, and through your smile or the _________ face.
    expression on your
  • What is he doing?
    he's combing his hair