
Passive voice & causative C1/C2

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  • The royal couple went into the room arm in arm. Use: WAS
    The room was entered by the royal couple arm in arm.
  • Columbus arrived in America in 1492. Use: WAS
    America was reached by Columbus in 1492.
  • Don't let him tease you. Use: BE
    Don't let yourself be teased.
  • They could not hear him. Use: MAKE
    He could not make himself heard.
  • He showed me the way to the door. Use: SHOWN
    I was shown the way to the door OR The way to the door was shown to me.
  • The coach made the players train hard for five hours every day. Use: GOT
    The coach got the players to train hard for five hours every day.
  • His car was stolen. Use: GOT
    He got his car stolen.
  • She used a knife to cut the cucumber. Use: WITH
    The cucumber was cut with a knife.
  • Someone is editing his thesis. Use: EDITED
    He is having his thesis edited.
  • Your hair needs cutting. Use: SHOULD
    You should have your hair cut.
  • They do not allow speeding in the city. Use: FORBIDDEN
    Speeding is forbidden in the city.
  • They believe she is a spy. Use: IT
    It is believed that she is a spy.
  • She accused me of lying. Use: WAS
    I was accused of lying.
  • I hate her asking someone else to do her homework. Use: HAVING
    I hate her having her homework done by someone else.
  • Don't print the files, please! Use: HAVE
    Don't have the files printed, please!
  • Her story did not deceive me. Use: TAKEN
    I wasn't taken in by her story.
  • Is anyone checking your answers? Use: HAVING
    Are you having your answers checked?