
PET General Speaking

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  • Would you rather - be invisible, or be able to fly? Tell me why.
  • Describe this picture as much as you can.
  • Give your opinion: do you think social media (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook) has been good for people, or not good? Tell me why.
  • Describe this picture as much as you can.
  • Would you rather: be able to breathe underwater like a fish or have great night vision like a leopard?
  • Give your opinion: Which is more important: happiness in a job or a high salary? Tell me why.
  • Give your opinion: Homework - helpful or unhelpful? Why or why not?
  • Would you rather - never brush your teeth again or never brush your hair again? Explain why.
  • Give your opinion: school uniforms - are school uniforms a good idea or bad idea? Why or why not?
  • Describe this picture as much as you can.