
Causative Open World B2 Unit 10

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  • Correct the mistake: My coach reeally helped me improving my tennis service.
    My coach really helped me to improve my tennis service.
  • Complete with the correct form of have or get. I've just ... my hair styled at that new salon near the station
  • Correct the mistake: I got my friend check my homework assignment.
    I got my friend to check my homework assingment.
  • Correct the mistake: Getting my children do their homework is soething that I find reeally challenging.
    Getting my children to do
  • Complete with the correct form of have or get. The police ... to treat all members of the public fairly.
  • My friend forced me to watch his holiday video three times. MADE My ... his holidday video three times.
    friend made me watch
  • Complete with the correct form of have or get. We have just ... a supply of logs deliverd for the wood burner.
  • Correct the mistake: My friends made myself sit through the whole film even though it wasn't very good.
    made me sit
  • Correct the mistake: My parents let me stayed up late last night to watcch the match.
    My parents let me stay up late last night to watch the match.
  • Correct the mistake: I always find it difficult to get more than ten people like my social media posts.
    get more than ten people to like
  • Correct the mistake: I can never get my sister come to the dentist with me. She really hats going there.
    get my sister to come
  • "You can fiish your dinner in front of the TV" said their mum. LET Their mum ... in front of the TV.
    let them finish their dinner
  • Complete with the correct form of have or get. She ... her handbag stolen while she was on the bus.
  • Correct the mistake: Apparently the owner of the team is trying to get the trainer to sacked.
    Apparently the owner of the team is trying to get the trainer sacked.
  • Complete with the correct form of have or get. She ... her son to do his homework by giving him pocket money.
  • Complete with the correct form of have or get. I'm going to ... my suit dry-cleaned for the wedding.
  • Correct the mistake: Even though we had priority boardig, they still made me queue up with the other passengers.
    madde us queue
  • Correct the mistake: It's not unusual for my boss to let me to finish work early provided that i've completed all my tasks.
    let me finish
  • Convincing children that they should play outside can be hard. GET It can be hard .. outside
    to get children to play
  • Someone stole my suitcase at the airport last week. HAD I ... at the airport last week.
    had my suitcase stolen
  • Correct the mistake: Our boss made us all to stay at work late today.
    Our boss made us all stay at work late today.
  • Correct the mistake: I've just had my application for a day off turn down by my boss.
    I've just had my application for a day off turned down by my boss.
  • The organisers cancelled Simon's match. CALLED Simon had ... the organisers.
    his match called off by
  • Correct the mistake: The shop assistants are really helpful. They always help me to finding the right clothes.
    help me (to) find