
Nobel Prize Review

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  • Alfred traveled to France and the United States to study...
  • In addition to a monetary prize, what else does a Nobel Prize winner receive?
    a medal and a diploma
  • What did Alfred Nobel do with his great fortune upon his death?
    Left it to grant awards in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace.
  • The Nobel Prizes are awarded in these two countries.
    Sweden and Norway
  • The Nobel Prizes are awarded on this date.
    December 10th
  • True or False? You can nominate yourself for a Nobel Prize.
    False. Only those that meet the criteria to be eligible nominators can nominate someone.
  • 1901 is the year in which...
    ...the first Nobel Prizes were awarded.
  • In which country do they award the Nobel Peace Prize?
  • Where was Alfred Nobel born?
  • A person who is honored with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement is called a...
  • What is the current monetary prize for Nobel Prize winners?
    11 million kronor (approximately $1,073,000.00 USD)
  • The currency used in Sweden is called...
  • The Nobel Prizes are awarded this often.
  • A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so is called a/an...
  • Alfred had over how many patents (for inventions) in his name?
    over 300 (355 to be exact)
  • Name the SIX Nobel Prize categories. Yes. ALL SIX.
    physics, chemistry, medicine/physiology, literature, economics, peace
  • One of Alfred's greatest inventions revolutionized the construction industry. What was it?