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  • There's no such thing as a free lunch.
    Everything comes with a cost.
  • to let the cat out of the bag
    to give away a secret
  • It ain't over till the fat lady sings.
    It ain't over till it's over....Don't count on something happening before it has actually happened.
  • We'll cross that bridge when we get to it
    to not talk about the problem right now
  • Let's call it a day!
    to stop working on something
  • Let's break the ice!
    to make people feel more comfortable
  • That's a piece of cake!
    It's very easy!
  • Actions speak louder than words!
    Believe what people do, not what they say.
  • Speaking of the devil!
    the person you were talking about shows up
  • to compare apples to oranges
    to link two things that are different
  • to cry over spillt milk
    to complain about something that cannot be changed
  • It's not rocket science!
    It's not complicated.
  • The ball is in your court.
    It's your turn to decide or act.
  • No pain, no gain!
    you have to work for what you want
  • This is the best thing since sliced bread!
    a very good invention
  • The devil is in the details.
    Something might look good, but looking more closely there are problems.
  • Hit the sack!
    go to sleep
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
    It isn't over yet.