
Hang out 1

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  • How is she?
    She is hot.
  • How is he?
    He is cold.
  • How is he?
    He is sad.
  • How is the cat?
    The cat is thirsty
  • How is she?
    She is happy.
  • How is it?
    It is angry.
  • How is she?
    She is surprised.
  • How is the dog?
    The dog is relaxed.
  • How is he?
    He is worried/scared.
  • How is he?
    He is scared.
  • How do you feel?
    I feel upset.
  • How is he?
    He is tired/bored.
  • How is the bear?
    He is hungry.
  • How is she?
    She is sick.
  • How is he?
    He is excited/happy.