
Housework (has to and have to) in Question and A ...

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  • Ona nemusí dělat domácí úkol.
    She doesn´t have to do (her) homework.
  • What does she have to do?
    She has to cook.
  • What do they have to do?
    They have to set the table.
  • What does my dad have to do?
    He has to take out the rubbish/trash.
  • What does the girl have to do?
    She has to rake leaves.
  • What does Pete have to do?
    He has to cook the dinner.
  • What does John have to do?
    He has to wash the car.
  • Moje sestřenice musí pomáhat rodičům.
    My cousin has to help (her/his) parents.
  • What does my sister have to do?
    She has to load the dishwasher.
  • My nemusíme jít spát brzy.
    We don´t have to go to bed early.
  • What does he have to do?
    He has to make his bed.
  • My nemusíme odejít.
    We don´t have to go.
  • My musíme být zticha.
    We have to be quiet.
  • What do I have to do?
    I have to wash the dishes.
  • What does Zameer have to do?
    He has to vacuum the floor./ He has to clean the house.
  • Jane musí odejít.
    Jane has to go.
  • Moje máma nemusí pracovat v pondělí ráno.
    My mum doesn´t have to work on Monday morning.
  • Oni nemusí vstávat v 7 hodin.
    They don´t have to get up at seven (o´clock.)