
Context Clues

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  • Using sign language chimpanzees can convey such ideas as "I love you." What does "convey" mean?
  • The boy lingered outside after the concert, waiting for the band. What does "lingered" mean?
    Stay longer than necessary
  • The kids collaborated on the project, sharing different talents. What does "collaborate" mean?
    Work Together
  • Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He'd had his dog for 13 years. What does "anguish" mean?
    Extreme Sadness
  • Although Alex usually looks unkempt, he had a very neat appearance at his job interview. What does "unkempt" mean?
  • My objective was to get to work on time, so I would not get fired. What does "objective" mean?
  • The decision that Ali made to study instead of going for pizza was prudent. She got an A and her friends got D's. What does "prudent" mean?
    Careful and Wise
  • Toddlers are inquisitive. They are eager to explore everything. What does "inquisitive" mean?
  • The student strives to get an A on the test. What does "strives" mean?
    Work hard
  • The snow was a marvel to look at as it glistened in the bright sun. What does "marvel" mean?
  • The artist worked meticulously on the sculpture of the bear to make it look realistic. What does "meticulously" mean?
    Carefully or precisely
  • Our baseball team's pitcher has a few eccentric habits such as throwing exactly 13 warmups and never wearing socks! What does "eccentric" mean?
  • The girl had a very distinct way of dressing. She was unique. What does "distinct" mean?
  • The restaurant was formal, so I bought a new suit. What does "formal" mean?
    Upscale, dressy