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  • true
  • It’s customary to keep your coat with you and to put your coat on the back of your chair when you are seated in a restaurant or other public building. (Russia)
    FALSE. It's bad luck to wear a coat in a public building or put a coat in your chair in a restaurant in Russia
  • It’s bad luck to shake hands in a 8 doorway because people believe it will lead to an argument. (Ukraine)
  • If you are going to be more than 15 minutes late for a party/lunch, you should call to explain (USA)
  • If someone gives you a gift, thank the person and open it right away (Ecuador)
  • It’s polite to touch a person’s elbow with the fingers of your left hand after you shake hands. (Egypt)
    True. Handshakes between men are sometimes followed by a gesturing touch on the elbow or shoulder of the opposite man.
  • When you cross two fingers on one hand, it means you just told a lie. (United States)
    TRUE. If you do that while making a promise, it means you don't intend to keep the promise, it's a common joke played by children.
  • If you are the only passenger in a taxi, sit in the front, next to the driver, and not in back. (Australia)
    true. sit in the front seat when traveling alone. if you sit the back seat, you are viewed as anti-social.
  • If you wink at a child, it means you want the child to leave the room. (Nigeria)
  • When eating dinner, you should never share food from your plate with other people at the table. (Singapore)
  • When a visitor leaving your home, you should walk with that person out the door. (Korea)
  • true