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  • The project reached a major milestone, ______ a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team.
    which is
  • Jennifer, _______ a respected journalist, interviewed the Nobel laureate for an upcoming article.
    who is
  • Lisa, ____ an accomplished artist, created a stunning mural that now adorns the city walls.
    who is
  • The research paper presented groundbreaking findings, _______ expected to influence future studies in the field.
    which is
  • Sarah, _____ a seasoned professional in the field, provided valuable insights during the team meeting.
    who is
  • The event showcased a variety of cultural performances, _______ a reflection of the community's diversity.
    which is
  • Mark, ______ the CEO of the company, announced significant expansion plans during the press conference.
    who is
  • The concert featured a special guest performance, ______ known for its electrifying stage presence.
    which is
  • The company recently unveiled a new product, _____ designed to revolutionize the way we approach daily tasks.
    which is
  • The software includes a user-friendly interface,_______ perfect for those who are new to technology.
    which is
  • John, ______ an expert in data analysis, conducted a comprehensive study on market trends.
    who is
  • The company implemented a sustainable business model, __________ aimed at reducing its environmental impact.
    which is
  • The novel introduces a compelling protagonist, _______ on a quest to discover the truth about his past.
    who is
  • The new smartphone boasts advanced features, __________ in line with the latest technological advancements.
    which is
  • Emily, _________ a renowned chef, shared her secret recipe for the delicious dish that everyone enjoyed.
    who is