
Christmas Traditions Around The World

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  • The Gavle Goat is made of ________. This tradition was started in ________.
    straw, Sweden
  • The four ingredients used to make this porridge are ....
    rice, cinnamon, milk, and butter
  • Explain this Christmas tradition from Germany.
    St. Nicholas gives gifts to the good children and Rupert punishes bad children.
  • What country puts candles in the window and has a roast goose for Christmas?
  • The name of this character in Austria is ________
  • What is a bad thing that happens to the Gavle Goat every year?
    Every year, people try to burn it down.
  • What country is this?
  • What country is this?
  • How do they celebrate Christmas in Colombia?
    To show that the Christmas season has begun, they light candles and put them everywhere.
  • How do they celebrate Christmas in the Philippines?
    They have "The Giant Lantern Festival" in San Fernando.
  • In Ireland, they eat roast _________, vegetables, cranberries, and potatoes.
  • People in this country celebrate Christmas due to the popularity of a fast food commercial.
  • The country that has a BBQ for Christmas is _______________.
    South Africa
  • Where do they play the almond porridge game on Christmas morning?
  • KFC Christmas started in ______. > 1984, 1974, 1975
  • In what country is Krampus a tradition?
  • As a game, whoever finds the ________ in their porridge is the winner.
  • Krampus takes bad children away in his _____.
  • In what country do they have St Nicholas and Rupert as a tradition?
  • The Giant Lantern Festival takes place in _____ _________.
    the Philippines
  • In Norway, what do they hide on Christmas day and why?
    They hide their brooms so witches don't fly away on them.
  • What country is this?
  • How do they celebrate Christmas in Toronto, Canada?
    They have a light show in the city center.