
Christmas Passive Voice

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  • Santa Claus - expect - by children.
    Santa Claus is expected by children.
  • Presents - leave - under the Christmas tree.
    Presents are left under the Christmas tree.
  • In the United Kingdom, presents - give and receive - on the 25th December.
    In the United Kingdom, presents are given and received on the 25th December.
  • In England, Christmas pudding - serve - during Christmas dinner.
    In England, Christmas pudding is served during Christmas dinner.
  • Christmas - celebrate - on 25th December
    Christmas is celebrated on 25th December.
  • Christmas stockings - hang - on fireplaces.
    Christmas stockings are hung on fireplaces.
  • Christmas trees - decorated - in many homes.
    Christmas trees are decorated in many homes.
  • Christmas crackers - pull apart - to reveal a small gift.
    Christmas crackers are pulled apart to reveal a small gift.
  • Mince pies - make.
    Mince pies are made.
  • Turkey - eat - in the UK during Christmas dinner
    Turkey is eaten in the UK during Christmas dinner.