
FCE speaking

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  • What is something you would like to do but don't have time for it?
    student answers this question
  • Do you have a demanding teacher? Which subject does he/she teach?
    student answers this question
  • What is your favourite leisure activity? Why do you like it so much?
    student answers this question
  • Who do you follow on Instagram? What kind of information does this person post on Instagram?
    student answers this question
  • Do you think Facebook is a waste of time? Why?
    student answers this question
  • What kind of a person are you? Use some personality adjectives.
    student answers this question
  • Do you prefer going to the cinema or watch movies at home? Why?
    student answers this question
  • Do you have an annoying classmate at school?
    student answers this question
  • Think of a time-consuming actvity in your life.
    student answers this question
  • Do you have instagram? What kinds of pictures do you post there?
    student answers this question
  • Is there a free-time activity you could recommend to your friends?
    student answers this question
  • Do you think Instagram and Facebook can be used in a positive way?
    student answers this question
  • What did you use to do when you were a child? Why don't you do it anymore?
    student answers this question
  • What is something you enjoy doing with your family or friends? Why?
    student answers this question
  • Do you think Facebook is for older generation? Why?
    student answers this question