
Sentences With the Same Meaning

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  • Who is the owner of the sports car? (BELONG) --- Who ... to?
    Who does the sports car belong to?
  • Their wedding is planned for September. (GETTING) --- They ... in September.
    They are getting married in September.
  • I almost always walk up the stairs. (HARDLY EVER) --- I ...   the lift.
    I hardly ever use the lift.
  • There are six rooms in the apartment. (HAS) --- The apartment...
    The apartment has six rooms.
  • Jake doesn't hang out with his friends very often. (RARELY) --- Jake... with his friends.
    Jake rarely hangs out with his friends.
  • There isn't a lot of furniture in my house. (LITTLE) --- In my house...
    In my house there's very little furniture.
  • The Australian capital is Canberra. (OF) --- Canberra... Australia.
    Canberra is the capital of Australia.
  • Our new home is quite near my school. (NOT FAR) --- Our new home.... my school.
    Our new home is not far from my school.
  • You caught us in the middle of a meeting. (HAVING) --- We ... at the moment.
    We are having a meeting at the moment.
  • Is Julia a good violinist? (PLAY) --- Can Julia... ?
    Can Julia play the violin well?
  • You don't see George at the park very often. (RARELY) --- George... the park.
    George rarely goes to the park.
  • He spent two hours cleaning his bedroom. (TOOK) --- It... clean his bedroom.
    It took him two hours to clean his bedroom.
  • I can't understand your mean behaviour towards Alexander. (BEING) --- I can't understand why ... to Alexander.
    I can't understand why you're being mean to Alexander.
  • Alice doesn't have any plans for this weekend. (DOING) --- Alice ... this weekend.
    Alice isn't doing anything this weekend.
  • I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, so I might be late. (AM) --- I ... tomorrow, so I might be late.
    I am going to the dentist tomorrow so I might be late.
  • Next weekend we must go shopping. (AT THE) --- We must...
    We must go shopping at the weekend.
  • Taking a taxi to the airport is not necessary. (NEED) --- We...take a taxi to the airport.
    We don't need to take a taxi to the airport.