
Christmas Riddles

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  • Children use me to go fast down snowy hills. Santa uses me to deliver presents on Christmas Eve. What am I?
    A sleigh / a sled
  • People give me to family and friends on Christmas Day. You wrap me in colorful paper. What am I?
  • You can make me with snow. I like to wear a hat and scarf. I have a carrot nose and black eyes. What am I?
  • I'm sweet. I'm a circle. You can make me with sugar, butter, and chocolate. I'm Santa's favorite dessert. What am I?
  • You can see me on a cold, winter day. I'm round and white. You never see me when it's hot or sunny. What am I?
  • A white drink that tastes good with cookies. Kids leave a glass of me for Santa. What am I?
  • I am tall and green. Near Christmas, I have lights and decorations. People put presents under me. What am I?
    a Christmas tree
  • I live in the forest. I have antlers and help Santa with his sleigh on Christmas Eve. My name is Rudolph. What am I?
    A reindeer
  • I'm a person. I'm small. I make toys in Santa's workshop. I have pointy ears. Who am I?
    an elf
  • I have white hair and a white beard. I wear red pants and a red coat. I bring children presents on Christmas Eve.  Who am I?
    Santa Claus