
What is the class of this animal?

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  • What is the class of a tiger?
    A tiger is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a seahorse?
    A seahorse is a fish.
  • What is the class of a clownfish?
    A clownfish is a fish.
  • What is the class of a salamander?
    A salamander is an amphibian.
  • What is the class of a dolphin?
    A dolphin is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a macaw?
    A macaw is a bird.
  • What is the class of a snake?
    A snake is a reptile.
  • What is the class of a camel?
    A camel is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a panda?
    A panda is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a whale?
    A whale is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a flamingo?
    A flamingo is a bird.
  • What is the class of a bat?
    A bat is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a turtle?
    A turtle is a reptile.
  • What is the class of a guinea pig?
    A guinea pig is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a pig?
    A pig is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a crocodile?
    A crocodile is a reptile.
  • What is the class of a horse?
    A horse is a mammal.
  • What is the class of a frog?
    A frog is an amphibian.
  • What is the class of a penguin?
    A penguin is a bird.
  • What is the class of a parrot?
    A parrot is a bird.