
Restate the Question: RTQ

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  • RTQ: Where is a place you would like to travel?
    A place I would like to travel is... [place].
  • RTQ: What do you recommend I name my new puppy?
    I recommend you name your new puppy... [name].
  • RTQ: What should Miss J get her mom for her birthday?
    For her birthday, Miss J should get her mom... [gift idea].
  • RTQ: How are you feeling today?
    I am feeling... [emotion].
  • RTQ: What is the best candy?
    The best candy is... [candy].
  • RTQ: How can you help someone in need?
    You/I can help someone in need by... [idea to help someone in need].
  • RTQ: Where can you go when you need a doctor?
    When you need a doctor, you can go to the hospital/doctor's office.
  • RTQ: In which city is McKinley Middle School located?
    McKinley Middle School is located in [the city of] Boston.
  • RTQ: What are the four seasons?
    The four seasons are summer, winter, spring, fall.
  • RTQ: Do you notice when the weather changes?
    Yes/No, I do/don't notice when the weather changes.