
Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive)

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  • How ____ it _____ _____(go) for you lately?
    How HAS it BEEN GOING for you lately?
  • I'm sweating because I ____ (run).
    I'm sweating because I have just been running.
  • The baby (sleep) for 9 hours straight.
    The baby HAS BEEN SLEEPING for 9 hours straight.
  • Come up with your own PPP sentences. 1 negatve sentence and 1 negative question.
    Negative: Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb + ing / Negative question: Has/have + Subject + not + been + Verb + ing
  • Everyone (play) Among Us lately.
    Everyone has been playing Among Us lately.
  • Come up with your own PPP sentences. 1 positive sentence and 1 positive question.
    Positive: Subject + has/have + been + Verb + ing // Question: Has/have + Subject + been + Verb + ing
  • Caroline (study) for her math exam for 3 hours straight. And she's still not stopping!
    Caroline HAS BEEN STUDYING ...
  • Come up with your own PPP sentence. It must be negative.
    Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb + ing
  • Jojo and I (learn) Chinese since 2017.
    Jojo and I (we) HAVE BEEN LEARNING ...
  • Turn this sentence into a question: "I have been sneezing non-stop all day."
    Have I been sneezing non-stop all day?
  • What is the pattern or formula for PPP? Start with Subject + ___ + ___ + ___ ...
    Subject + HAS or HAVE + BEEN + VERBing
  • Come up with your own PPP sentence. It must be a question.
    Has/have + Subject + been + Verb + ing
  • All of these are common PPP time markers EXCEPT: (A) lately (B) recently (C) for (D) last year (E) since
    (D) last year. It is specific and happened in the past. It is used in Simple Past.
  • Turn this question into a positive sentence: "Has she been thinking of you?"
    She has been thinking of you.
  • When do we use PPP? (A) started in the past, still happening now (B) stopped recently, affecting now (C) A and B (D) none
    (C) A and B
  • Lucas (go) to the same school since kindergarten.
    Lucas HAS BEEN GOING to the same school ...
  • (Someone, tell) you the answers all this time? Or did you figure it out on your own?
    HAS someone BEEN TELLING you the answers ... ?
  • Come up with your own PPP sentences: 1 POSITIVE question + 1 NEGATIVE question.
    Positive ?: Has/have + Subject + been + Verb + ing? // Negative ?: Has/have + Subject + not + been + Verb + ing?
  • Turn this negative sentence into positive: "I haven't been thinking about farting and blaming it on my sister."
    I have been thinking about farting and blaming it on my sister.
  • Alice (not, play) with me because she's too busy studying.
    Alice has not been playing with me ...
  • Turn this positive sentence into negative: "I've been scrolling through TikTok for the past 2 hours."
    O have not been scrolling through TikTok for the past 2 hours.
  • Which one is INCORRECT? (A) They have been taking a taxi instead of walking. (B) They have been take na taxi instead of walking. (C) Have they been taking a taxi instead of walking? (D) They have not been taking a taxi instead of walking.
    (B) because the pattern is SUBJECT + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + VERB + ING.
  • Laura and Lauren ___ (tell) everyone that they are not twins.
    Laura and Lauren HAVE BEEN TELLING everyone ...