
fce idiomatic phrases u5

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  • I'm ..............classical music these days. (like a lot)
    nuts about
  • The exam was a ............. (very easy)
    a piece of cake
  • I learned pretty quickly when I opened my restaurant that .............. isn’t always the best idea. You need business and cookery skills. (rely on one single thing)
    putting all your eggs in one basket
  • Gardening is my................ right now (a job that provides you with the money you need to live)
    bread and butter
  • I was .............about that review and ready to make a documentary. (have a lot of energy)
    full of beans
  • He’s often criticised for sticking to old-fashioned traditional recipes as it’s not everyone’s..............., maybe that’s a weakness, but I think that’s his decision.
    cup of tea
  • I love reading ............ romance novels because I don't have to think. (of bad quality or in bad taste)
  • Angelo is a ............when something is bothering him like this. (difficult to understand (often a person))
    hard nut to crack
  • Harry has been ............ ever since he lost his job. (crazy or distracted)
    out to lunch
  • Your daughter is.............. She reads much higher than her grade level. (a very intelligent person)
    one smart coockie
  • I just want them to be the best and surely the drama in the kitchen....................a bit (makes them more interesting)
    spices things up
  • ................, that’s how I became a chef after taking some cookery classes to sharpen up my techniques. (simply)
    In a nutshell
  • But anyway I’m going to hope that my book ...........(is bought by many poeple)
    sells like hotcakes
  • Choosing a location for our new store is a ........ right now. (controversial or difficult subject)
    hot potato
  • I know I can act ............... under pressure. (very relaxed)
    as cool as a cucumber
  • They need to have gone to college and specialised training before they apply so we’ve hired the ............ (the best)
    cream of the crop