
WonderSkills Reading Starter 1 Unit 10

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  • Why is the prairie dangerous for some animals?
    There aren't many places to hide.
  • What leads to different rooms in the burrow?
    The tunnels.
  • What grows in the prairie?
    Long grasses.
  • What do some rooms have?
    Some rooms have food like roots and seeds.
  • Who takes turns to watch for danger?
    prairie dogs.
  • What do prairie dogs bury in their burrows?
  • Where do prairie dogs live?
    Under the ground.
  • What rooms are in the burrow?
    There is sleeping room and a bathroom.
  • What do prairie dogs bury in their burrows?
    Their food.
  • What does barking do for the other prairie dogs?
    It warns them to hide in the grass or in their burrows.
  • When do prairie dogs go underground?
    When it is hot.
  • What do prairie dogs do when they see a fox?
    They bark when they see a fox.