
Daily Activities - Movers

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  • What activity is this?
    go for a ride on my bike
  • What do they like?
    They like going for a swim.
  • What does she like?
    She likes taking photos.
  • What activity is this?
    go for a drive
  • What activity is this?
    watch a film
  • What activity is this?
    go shopping
  • What does he like?
    He likes cooking.
  • What activity is this?
    go for a walk
  • What activity is this?
    do my homework
  • What activity is this?
    listen to music
  • What do they like?
    They like going for a drive.
  • What activity is this?
    look at a website on the internet
  • What activity is this?
    go for a swim
  • What does she like?
    She likes calling her friends.