
Short Comprehension Sentences

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  • Nancy and Nina were at a coffee shop to talk about school. Nina told a funny joke and Nancy spit out her coffee in the middle of drinking it. She was so embarrassed!
    Where were Nancy and Nina?
  • Jenna got a hula hoop for her birthday. She played with it for hours at a time. She only stopped once to eat a snack.
    What did Jenna get for her birthday?
  • The dog was lazy and needed a ride back home. He decided to ask Fast, the Turtle to take him home. He was so slow!
    Who did the dog ask to take him home?
  • The girls like to play with play dough when its raining outside. They made flowers and trees with the orange and red play dough.
    What color playdough did they use?
  • It was a sunny day in autumn and Tiny, the squirrel, was chasing after birds. He stopped when he found something on the road. It was a mini burrito. He ate the burrito so fast because it was so delicious!
    What did Tiny find on the road?
  • Charlie likes to paint pictures at home. On Thursday, she painted a beautiful flower. She felt upset when the paint spilled all over her artwork.
    When did Charlie paint a flower?
  • The preschool kids were playing outside on Wednesday. They decided they wanted to move very silly to beat of the pop music. They had a lot of fun!
    What kind of music did the kids dance to?
  • Steven was at the zoo when he felt really thirsty. He saw a water fountain and thought he could get some water. When he pushed the button, it went all over his head.
    Why did Steven want some water?
  • The cat wanted to play at the playground. He tried climbing up the yellow slide 50 times until he was tired and gave up.
    What color was the slide the cat climbed?
  • Maddie attended her first baseball game at Yankees stadium on Saturday. She was so excited when she got cotton candy as a snack.
    What did Maddie get for a snack?
  • Bob, the bunny, had a garage sale at his house on Sunday. He sold games, toys and pictures. He made $90 that day from selling his items.
    When did Bob have a garage sale?
  • Brian was nervous for his math test at school on Monday. After he finished, the teacher told him he did a great job! He felt so proud!
    Why was Brian nervous?