
What's the Question?

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  • Abdi likes to eat pizza.
    What does he like to eat?
  • Alfonso goes to the gym three times a week.
    How often does he go to the gym? How many times a week does he go to the gym?
  • Jilo's son is 3 years old.
    How old is Jilo's son?
  • Mailong is studying English.
    What is she studying?
  • Nga lives in Switzerland.
    Where does she live?
  • Xoua likes to shop on Saturdays.
    When does Xoua like to shop?
  • Maikhoua phone number is 555.453.8990.
    What is her phone number?
  • Lida has brown hair.
    What color hair does she have? What color is her hair?
  • Maihoua drinks coffee in the morning.
    When does she drink coffee? What does she drink in the morning?
  • Por is 5 feet 9 inches tall.
    How tall is he?
  • Bernard was born in December?
    What month was he born?
  • Manuel has one dog.
    How many dogs does Manuel have?
  • Joujee wakes up at 6am.
    What time does he wake up?
  • Pashia has been gone for 4 weeks.
    How long has she been gone?
  • Jill works two nights a week.
    How many nights does she work?
  • Amina's from Ethiopia.
    Where is she from?
  • I go to sleep at 11pm.
    When do you go to sleep? What time do you go to sleep?
  • My kids are named Baylee, Beckee and Braeden.
    What are your kids' names?
  • Keyria works 40 hours a week.
    How many hours a week does she work?
  • Misra's last name is Issa.
    What is her last name?