
Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Co ...

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  • She _______ (pick) vegetables for two hours.
    has been picking
  • Tim and Matilda _______ (be) married since 1991.
    have been
  • They __________ (be) friends for twenty years.
    have been
  • A: You look exhausted. B: Well, I ____________ (clean) the windows.
    have been cleaning
  • Kate Steel __________ (write) a lot of successful novels. She ________ (write) her first book in 1970.
    has written, wrote
  • Since I _________ (move) to York, I __________ (be) much happier.
    moved, have been
  • I _________ (know) Harry for about ten years. I __________ (meet) him at a business meeting in 2011.
    have known, met
  • How long ___________ (you/know) Jack?
    have you known
  • _________ (you/see) my bag? I ___________ (search) for it all morning.
    Have you seen, have been searching
  • We ___________ (already/see) this film.
    have already seen
  • I __________ (not see) Emily for a long time.
    haven't seen
  • He is dirty. He ___________ (play) football.
    has been playing
  • A: Mum __________ (lose) her purse. B: Where ___________ (she/lose) it?
    has lost, did she lose
  • A: Why is Sally upset? B: She _________ (lose) her bag.
    has lost
  • He's tired. He __________ (work) hard.
    has been working
  • She ____________ (always/love) animals.
    has always loved
  • How long ____________ (you/learn) English?
    have you been learning
  • A: The pie is delicious. B: Is it? I ____________ (not taste) it yet.
    haven't tasted
  • Peter ________ (be) to Paris four times.
    has been
  • He _________ (pick) a lot of vegetables.
    has picked