
meiosis and mitosis

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  • What is the name for the pairing of the homologous chromosomes that occurs during meiosis?
  • Name of the phases in the correct order.....
    Interphase, Prophase,,Metaphase,Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis.
  • What is Cytokinesis?
    The process in which the cell divides its cytoplasim and organelles between two daughter cells.
  • Cytokinesis varies depending on the type of cell... why is that the case?
    It depends on the different structures of their outer membranes. Animal eukaryotic cells - cell membrane thats easier to deform. Plant- thick rigid wall.
  • When does cancer occur?
    When some very damaging mutatation takes place in the cell. In this case, the cell doesn't die due to the extreme change but causes cancer instead.
  • During which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur?
    Prophase I
  • In which phase of meiosis does the separation of sister chromatids occur?
    Anaphase II
  • what stage does the nuclues form?
    Telophase and Telophase I and II (In mitosis and meiosis cell division respectively)
  • The separation of pair of homlogous chromosomes takes place in the second meiotic divison?True or False.....
    False........It takes places in the first meiotic division
  • In which cell does mitosis occur?
    In somatic cells
  • During which phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetrads?
    Prophase I
  • Prophase II is longer than Prophase I (True or False)
  • Which cell division makes me different from my other siblings and our parents?
    Meiosis (Diploid 46.... Haploid 23)
  • Is this Meiosis or Mitosis Cell Divison? Which one is the Metaphase?
  • What's the difference bwetween Anaphase and Anaphase I?
    The chromatids are pulled to the opposite ends/poles of the cell but in the Anaphase I the chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.
  • What is the main purpose of meiosis?
    Production of gametes