
CNA Kids 4 - Unit 13 (Who did it?) Simple Past

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  • Who __________(is) a queen from ancient Egypt?
    were - Cleopatra
    is - Nefertiti
    was - Cleopatra
    was - Hatshepsut
  • Who __________(develop) the theory of evolution?
    develop - Isaac Newton
    developed - Galileu Galilei
    develop - Charles Darwin
    developed - Charles Darwin
  • Who __________(paint) the Mona Lisa?
    painted - Leonardo da Vinci
    painted - Michelangelo
    paint - Pablo Picasso
    paintd - Vincent van Gogh
  • Who __________(play) the role of Chavo on TV?
    plaid - Édgar Vivar
    played - Roberto Gómez Bolaños
    plaied - Ramón Valdés
    play - Rubén Aguirre
  • Who _________(invent) the chocolate chip cookie.
    invented - Mary Simpson
    invent - Jean-Georges Vongerichten
    invented - Ruth Graves Wakefield
    invited - Otto Frederick Rohwedder
  • Who _________(create) Mafalda?
    creatd - Carlos Villagrán
    create - Florinda Meza
    created - Quino
    created - Umberto Eco
  • Who _________(compose) The Girl from Ipanema?
    compose - Elis Regina
    composed - Tom Jobim
    composd - Chico Buarque
    composed - Vinícius de Morais
  • Who ________(write) Reinações de Narizinho?
    writed - Machado de Assis
    written - Paulo Coelho
    wroted - Graciliano Ramos
    wrote - Monteiro Lobato
  • Who _________(free) enslaved people in Brazil?
    freed - Princess Isabel
    free - Princess Isabel
    free - D. Pedro II
    freed - Tiradentes