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  • Feeling bothered or affected by
    get to
  • The termination of employment for a group of workers by an employer due to various reasons such as economic downturns or restructuring.
  • To progress or succeed in one's career or personal development.
    Get ahead
  • After considering the advantages and disadvantages of a situation.
    weigh the pros and cons
  • Lavish or glamorous events held to raise money for a cause or organization.
    Glitzy fundraisers
  • jump at the opportunity
    leap at
  • To maintain strict control or supervision over a situation or activity.
    Keep a tight rein over
  • an appropriate or necessary amount of time
    sufficient time
  • To have a relaxed or cheerful attitude towards something, not taking it too seriously.
    Light-hearted about
  • restricted or limited
  • To explore or try something new or different, often involving some level of risk.
    Venture out
  • Expresses uncertainty about future outcomes or events.
    what the future holds
  • reward, payment for the completed work