
A desert Island

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  • If you were rescued, would you write a book about your experiences?
  • How would you defend or protect yourself? What weapons would you like to have?
  • Would you keep your shoes on until they were worn out or would you walk bare footed?
  • Would you eat raw meat or fish if you had to?
  • If you had a boat would you leave the island?
  • How would you cook the food?, Would you be able to make a fire without matches?
  • Would you try to make a raft or a boat?, What would you do attract the attention of passing ships?
  • Would you take animals to live with you? What sort of animals?
  • What things would you like to have with you? will those items be useful on a desert island?
  • Would you explore the island? How would you like the island to be? Describe your ideal desert island.
  • Would you prefer to live in a cave or would you like to build your own house, perhaps?
  • With another person of the same sex or different sex? Whom would you like to be with?
  • What would you do if there were wild animals?
  • Where would you like to live, on the coast or in the centre of the island?
  • Would you explore the island? In what part of the world would you like it to be?
  • Will you bring books to the island? What books would you like to have with you?
  • Would you make sure there were no other human beings on the island? Why?
  • What would you do first after being cast away on a desert island? Would you be afraid? Of what?
  • If you had no matches and you made a fire with a stick, would you keep it lit or let it go out?
  • What sort of food would you eat? Would you fish? How? Would you hunt? How?
  • Would you like to live alone or with somebody else on a desert Island?
  • What do you think the hardest part of living on a desert island would be? What would be the most pleasant part of it?
  • Would you keep a diary? What sort of things would you write in it?
  • How long would you like to be there? Would you like to live on one?
  • Have you ever been on a deserted island? . Would you like to be on one?
  • Do you think you could build a house?