
The House on Mango Street

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  • Who almost kisses the Bum man? Why?
    Rachel, because he offered her a dollar.
  • What do the girls argue about?
    What the clouds look like and what their names are.
  • Who starts giving the clouds human names?
  • Why did Esperanza say that the house was hers when it wasn’t?
    Because the Sister Superior starting yelling at her and Esperanza started crying.
  • How have her feelings changed by the end of the dance with her uncle??
    At the end she felt proud of herself.
  • Why does Esperanza want to eat in the canteen?
    Because the special kids get to eat there.
  • Why does the man say the shoes are dangerous?
    Because the girls are too young to be wearing shoes like that.
  • What happens to Esperanza when she and her friends are given some second-hand high heel shoes?
    The put them on and stroll around in the neighborhood
  • What are the girls doing while they talk about hips?
    They are playing double-dutch jump rope.
  • What changes in the neighborhood when they put on the shoes?
    The start receiving attention from boys and men.
  • What lie did Esperanza make in order to get the job?
    She said she was one year older than she actually was.
  • What does Esperanza know about hips? Who taught her this?
    They help let you know which skeleton was a man's and which is a women's. Alicia.
  • Who helped Esperanza get the job at the photography developing shop?
    Her Aunt Lala.
  • What did Mama forget to buy for Esperanza? Why did she need them?
    New shoes. She wanted new shoes to wear to the baptism party.
  • How does Esperanza describe her feet?
    Scuffed and round, and the heels all crooked that look dumb.
  • What does Esperanza say there isn't enough of on Mango Street in Darius & the Clouds?
    Sky, butterflies, flowers and most of things beautiful.
  • What famous fairy tale character is mentioned in 'The Family of Little Feet'?
  • What words does Esperanza use to describe hips?
    A Buick and roses.
  • What does Nenny say will happen if girls don't grow hips?
    You will turn into a man.
  • What did Alicia inherit from her mother?
    Her rolling pin and sleepiness.
  • What did the boy yell at the girls as they walked in their high heels?
    Ladies, lead me to heaven!
  • What does Alicia's father say is a woman's place?
    Sleeping, so she can wake up with the tortilla star
  • What does the sky symbolize in 'Darius and the Clouds'?
  • What is Esperanza's Uncle's name?
  • What job did Esperanza get?
    She matched photo negatives with prints and placed them in an envelope.
  • What did Esperanza experience in the canteen?
    Nothing special, the boys and girls watched her as she ate her cold rice sandwich.
  • What does the argument in 'And some more' disintegrate into?
    Name calling.
  • How does Esperanza convince her mother to allow her to eat in the canteen?
    By telling her their would be one less dish to wash and she would see her less but appreciate her more.
  • Of what is Alicia afraid?
    Four-legged furs and fathers.
  • Why doesn't Esperanza want to dance?
    She's ashamed of her shoes.
  • Why does Esperanza want to work?
    To pay for her Catholic High School.