
Flyers L3 Winter sports

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  • In winter my brother _________ going snowboarding.
    In winter my brother likes going snowboarding.
  • They are trying to __________ a tree on a sled.
    They are trying to carry a tree on a sled.
  • The snowman _______ got a carrot for a nose.
    The snowman has got a carrot for a nose.
  • The snowman is ___________ a black hat.
    The snowman is wearing a black hat.
  • In winter some people go skiing down ____________.
    In winter some people go skiing down mountains.
  • The dinosaur is trying to carry the bread on a s_____.
    The dinosaur is trying to carry the bread on a sledge / sled.
  • In winter we like to play and have s_______ fights.
    In winter we like to play and have snowball fights.
  • What sport is this?
    It's skiing
  • What sport is this?
    It's snowboarding.
  • The boy is ____________ a big snowball.
    The boy is making a big snowball.