
Optimise B1 unit 3 and 4

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  • Complete the sentence with a word related to travelling: We booked a ...... holiday, so flight and hotel are both included.
  • Complete the sentence with a future tense: The bus ..... at 4 so we have to hurry. (to leave)
  • Explain the meaning of the phrasal verb 'to take up something'
    to start doing something new regularly
  • We made 100 sandwiches and we expected to take lots home, but there were ..... left after lunch. Only 2.
  • Complete with the correct form of the given verb: I ...... quite a lot for my test, so I expect a good mark. (TO STUDY)
    have studied
  • Wordformation. Finish the sentence: He cut down the trees .....; he had no permit. (legal).
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: We're going to ...... our luggage at the hotel and go straight into town.
    drop off
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: Our car ..... this morning, so we needed help.
    broke down
  • Complete with the correct form of the given verb: I ...... cake this morning, because it's my mum's birthday. (TO EAT)
  • What is the correct word: Do people forget much / many luggage at the airport?
  • Complete the sentence: All the furniture ...... made of wood.
  • Complete the sentence with a future tense: Maybe she ...... help us. I'm not quite sure.
  • Complete with present perfect continuous: She ...... cookies for the fundraising all morning. (TO BAKE)
    has been baking
  • Give the past participle of 'forget'
  • Explain the meaning of the phrasal verb 'to eat out'.
    to eat in a restaurant
  • Word formation. Finish the sentence: The hard chairs cause a lot of ...... (comfortable)