
Eng file adv Work 1b

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  • Working as an accountant is a __________ job but I don't find it to be too demanding.
    tedious/ boring
  • I ________ my job. I can't stand the fact that it is not motivating enough.
    quit/ resigned from
  • The company has decided that around 20% of its _________ will have to _____ until the economic situation improves
    Workforce/ laid off
  • It feels as though if you don't get good academic qualifications, you will end up in a ____________, __________ job.
    monotonous, repetitive/ boring, tedious
  • My dad died so I took some ____________ leave. My ___________ were so supportive
    compassionate.......... colleagues/ co-workers
  • The only _________ required for this post are a good level of English and the ability to drive. The __________ required for this post are a degree in engineering and a masters in analysis.
    skills ...... qualifications
  • If you _______ the job before the end of the year, you can take advantage of some of the __________.
    apply for ...... perks/ benefits
  • Next week, I'm going to take some sick ________ because I feel like my job is quite challenging at the minute.
  • Are you _____________ at the moment? Yes but I'm finding it so hard to find a job. I really need a ____________ contract.
    job-hunting...... permanent/ full-time
  • Nursing is often described as a __________ job, even though it may be badly paid.
  • My dreams are to climb the ______ ladder and get ________ and hopefully also get a _____.
    career, promoted, pay rise