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  • Loan vs Mortgage
    Loan - $ from the bank; Mortgage - $ for real estate
  • Stationary vs Stationery
    Stationery - tools for writing; Stationary - fixed, immobile
  • Aware, worthy, enforcement
  • Name 3 synonyms for the word “Bad”
    Appalling, awful, detestable, dreadful, terrible
  • Explain the difference
  • Affect vs Effect
    Affect - Verb; Effect - Noun
  • Explain the difference
  • Draft, precise, pursue
  • Principal vs Principle
    Principal - Head master of school; Principle - moral belief
  • Explain the difference
  • Supply vs Demand
    Supply - what is provided by the market; Demand - what is wished to be bought
  • Name 3 synonyms for the word “Big”
    Gigantic, huge, substantial, mammoth, extensive
  • Every day vs everyday
    Every day - adverbial; everyday - adjectives
  • Explain the difference
  • Name 3 synonyms for the word “Good”
    Wonderful, Brilliant, Magnificent, Superior, Adequate
  • Facilitate, welfare, expansion
  • Name 3 three synonyms for the word “small”
    Compact, tiny, minute, mini, small - scale
  • Desert vs Dessert
    Desert ???; Dessert ???
  • Salary vs Income
    Salary - monthly income solely from work; Income - $ from all sources
  • Marginal, capacity, generation
  • Name 3 synonyms for the word “interesting”
    Absorbing, engrossing, gripping, compelling, engaging
  • Customer vs Consumer
    Customer - buys services; consumer - buys goods
  • Decline, perspective, network
  • Explain the difference