
N2Y Tree Planting

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  • What is a plant with a wooden trunk and leaves called?
    A tree
  • Where is Kenya? In America or in Africa?
    Kenya is in Africa.
  • What is a place with lots of trees called?
    A forest
  • What do you want to plant?
  • When is the holiday? November or April?
  • What is Africa? An ocean or land?
  • What is this continent called?
  • Where is the holiday for planting trees? Texas or Kenya?
  • What is a tree? A plant or an animal?
    a plant
  • What is a forest? A place with lots of cats or a place with lots of trees?
    A place with lots of trees
  • What is the Earth? A star or the planet where we live?
    Planet where we live
  • Is planting trees good for the Earth or bad for the Earth?
    Planting trees is good for the Earth.
  • What country has a tree planting holiday?
  • What was the article about? Halloween or planting trees?
    planting trees
  • What do people do on the holiday in the article?
    plant a tree
  • What is the planet that we live on called?