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  • Did the Greek believe in only one God?
    No, they didn't.
  • Where is Greece located?
    In Europe.
  • Was Ancient Greece a country?
    No, it was a collection of lands.
  • Who did all the work?
  • Which cities in Ancient Greece were enemies?
    Athens and Sparta.
  • Where is Crete?
    In the south of Greece.
  • where did Greek culture originate?
    It originated in Crete.
  • What does Democracy mean?
    It means The people's power.
  • Which form of governmet did the Greeks invent?
    They invented DEMOCRACY.
  • What were the cities that made up Ancient Greece called?
    They were called Polis.
  • Mention the name of some of the Polis that made up Ancient Greece.
    Athens, Sparta, Olympia, Corinth
  • What did people study in Ancient Greece?
    They studied Science, Maths, Astronomy and Philosophy.
  • Who could act at the theatre?
    Only men and boys.