
MS Flexible vs. Rock Brain

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  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: At the beginning of Math, Mrs. S. asks everyone what zone they are in. Austin says, "I don't like the zones" and refuses to answer.
    Rock Brain
  • Isaiah was feeling in the yellow zone and needed to move. He started tapping his feet loudly. His teacher asked him to please find something quiet to do so instead he began taking deep breaths and squeezing his hands open and shut.
    Flexible Thinking
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: It was time for math and the teacher said it was time to work with partners. Steve really didn't want to work with his partner, but instead he worked with them anyway.
    Flexible Thinking
  • What is a sticky thought?
    A thought that stays stuck in your head, and you can't stop thinking about it.
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Raelie wanted to play basketball, but her brother wanted to play basketball by himself. Raelie let him play first for 15 minutes and then she had a turn to play.
    Flexible thinking
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Aiden wanted to go fishing but his friend wanted to go 4-wheeling. Instead of not hanging out at all, they decided to take the 4-wheeler to the pond to fish.
    Flexible thinking
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Jared was disrupting George's learning as he continued to tap his desk. George asked him politely to stop, Jared said, "sorry, man" and began working quietly.
    Flexible Thinking
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Aiden was so tired that all he wanted to do was lay down and take a nap. However, his mom said he needed to play outside with his sister. He said, "NO, I am too tired. I'm not doing anything."
    Rock Brain
  • What is this an example of? Thomas went to his friend's house, but then he realized he forgot his favorite toy at home! He was so excited to show his friend his toy, and now he's very sad, and can't stop thinking about his toy all day.
    Sticky thoughts (what can he do?)
  • What is 1 strategy for stopping sticky thoughts?
    5,4,3,2,1 mindfulness, thinking of happy place, talking to someone else, thinking of something you love
  • What is this an example of? : Tina tries to sit down at a lunch table, but the people there ask her to leave. She goes to sit with her other friends instead, but she can't stop thinking "They don't like me" for the rest of the day.
    Sticky thoughts: What can she do?
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Morgan was busy drawing a picture when her mom asked her to help set the table for dinner. Morgan ignored her mom and kept on drawing.
    Rock Brain
  • Teri wanted to play with a toy in class. His teacher told him to put it away. He continued to play with it. She asked again and he stood up and stomped putting the item away. He then explained how unfair it was that he play with it.
    Rock Brain
  • What is this an example of? Bob wants cereal for breakfast, but his sister gets the last bowl. He gets very angry and refuses to eat anything else.
    Rock brain
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Sally didn't do as well on her math test as she thought she would. After the test, she went up and asked her teacher to help her with what she got wrong.
    Flexible Thinking
  • What is this an example of?: Before going to bed, Carter began thinking about how he missed his dog, who ran away 1 year ago. He couldn't stop thinking about his dog, and every time he did, he got more and more sad.
    Sticky Thoughts
  • John was so excited about riding his dirt bike after school at a competition. When he got there, the competition was over. He was told the wrong day. He was so angry and said his day was ruined and complained about it every day.
    Rock Brain
  • Raelie was so mad at her brother for being mean and refusing to help her with her homework last night. Tonight, her mom said Raelie you need to share the Xbox with your brother. Raelie said, "No way! I'm not sharing within him today."
    Rock Brain
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: It was time for basketball practice, but Sarah didn't feel like running. Instead she decided to sit out.
    Rock Brain
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Isaiah only wanted to talk about his favorite movie but his friend wasn't interested. Isaiah continued to talk about the movie. His friend walked away.
    Rock Brain
  • Rock Brain or Flexible Thinking?: Morgan wanted to sit with her friend on the bus, but she was already sitting with someone else. Morgan said, "maybe we can sit together tomorrow" and found a different seat.
    Flexible Thinking