
Course review B2.2

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  • What is something difficult to afford these days?
    real state, etc...
  • What is the correct verb pattern for try, afford, want, need?
    to + infinitive
  • Can you use 'thriving' in a sentence?
    Mexici city is thriving with tmore tourists coming each year.
  • What's the tag question for this idea: They don't go to the office at 10 am,...?
    do they?
  • What's the tag question for this idea:I shouldn't be doing this,
    should I?
  • What is something that at any rate makes no sense to you?
  • Can you use 'fall through' in a sentence?
    My plans of visiting a new country next month have fallen trough. I have to work.
  • What does 'mean to do something' mean?
    to have intentions to do something
  • What does 'to have lot on your mind' mean?
    to be mentally preoccupied with many things
  • What is the correct verb pattern the verb continue, remember, regret ?
    to + infinitive and -ing (but meanings are different except continue that is the same.)
  • What's the tag question for this idea: We need to finish the exam soon,
    don't we?
  • What is the meaning of this idea: I am in two minds a bout travelling next month or not. The weather seems not to be the best for that season.
    to be in two minds about something means to be undecided, vacillate between two alternatives
  • What's the tag question for this idea: It is Wednesday,...?
    isn't it, innit, ain't it?
  • ideas like : a lack, loads, a lot. are used before: