
Why Questions

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  • Why do we wear shoes?
    to protect our feet
  • Why do we put gas in a car?
    To make it go
  • Why do we go to school?
    to learn
  • Why do we need water?
    to bathe, to cook, to drink
  • Why do we brush our teeth?
    to keep our teeth clean
  • Why do we eat food?
    because we are hungry?
  • Why do we have teeth?
    so we can chew food, speak, etc.
  • Why do we wear sunglasses?
    to protect our eyes
  • Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
    to eat leaves from trees
  • Why do we wear a jacket?
    to keep warm
  • Why do we use an umbrella?
    to stay dry in the rain
  • Why do we go swimming?
    to cool off, for exercise
  • Why do we take a bath?
    to keep clean
  • Why does a bird have wings?
    so they can fly
  • Why do we go to the dentist?
    to check your teeth
  • Why do we mow the grass?
    because it is too long